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Prof. Dr. Pınar Gözen Ercan

Hacettepe University
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Department of International Relations
Branch of Public International Law

Academic Background


Ph.D. in International Studies, School of International Studies, University of Trento Italy, (2006-2011)

  • Dissertation title: Undertaking the Responsibility: International Community, States, R2P and Humanitarian Intervention
  • MA in International Relations, Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, (2003-2005)

  • Thesis title: Disputes, Claims and Settlement Proposals Related to the Territorial Sea Issue in Greek-Turkish Relations
  • BA in International Relations, Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, (1999-2003)

  • Magna cum laude
  • Academic Career

    Professor, Department of International Relations, Hacettepe University (2023-ongoing)

    Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Hacettepe University (2019-2023)

    Associate Professor of International Relations - UAK Title (2017)

    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Hacettepe University (2014-2019)

    Instructor, Department of International Relations, Hacettepe University (2013-2014)

    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Atılım University (2012-2013)

    Instructor, Department of International Relations, Atılım University (2011-2012)

    Part-time Instructor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Başkent University (2010-2011)

    Research Interests

    • The Responsibility to Protect and Humanitarian Interventions

    • International Law and the Law of the Sea

    • International Relations Theories

    • International Courts

    • Cyber security and wars

    • Turkish Foreign Policy and Greek-Turkish Relations


  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar (ed.). (2022) The Responsibility to Protect From Twenty Years On: Rhetoric and Implementation. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan (book detail).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar (ed.). (2017) Turkish Foreign Policy: International Relations, Legality and Global Reach. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan (book detail).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2016) Debating the Future of the "Responsibility to Protect": the evolution of a moral norm. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan (book detail).
  • Gözen, Mine Pınar. (2009) The Territorial Sea Issue in Greek-Turkish Relations: Disputes, Claims and Settlement Proposals. USA: VDM Verlag. ISBN-13: 978-3639151626 (book detail).
  • Book Chapters:

  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2023) "Uluslararası Hukuk ve Siyaset Etkileşiminde Koruma Sorumluluğunun Dönüşümü ve Uygulamaları", in Cansu Atılgan Pazvantoğlu (ed.), Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımları (pp. 211-237), Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2022) "Introduction", in P. Gözen Ercan (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect From Twenty Years On: Rhetoric and Implementation, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2022) "R2P at Twenty", in P. Gözen Ercan (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect From Twenty Years On: Rhetoric and Implementation. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2021) "The Responsibility to Protect and Crises of Legitimacy", in Gonca Oguz Gok and Hakan Mehmetcik (eds.) The Crises of Legitimacy in Global Governance. Oxon: Routledge (book info).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar with Gustavo Campos Pallas. (2020) ‘Common Values and Principles of the UN System and the Interrelation between the Right to Peace and the Responsibility to Protect: The path towards “peace, justice and stronger institutions”’, in David Fernandez Puyana (Ed.), Promoting peace, human rights and dialogue among civilizations. Costa Rica, University for Peace Press (full book).
  • Gözen ErcanPınar . (2020) "Chapter 4. Collective Protection of Human Rights and World Politics" in H. Tepe and D. Şahyar Akdemir (eds.), Human Rights. Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • 14. İnan, Yüksel. and Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2017). "Maritime Relations of Peninsular Turkey: Surrounded by hostile or peaceful waters?" in P. Gözen Ercan (ed.), Turkish Foreign Policy: International Relations, Legality and Global Reach. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2017). "The Cyprus Question: At an impasse for too long" in P. Gözen Ercan (ed.), Turkish Foreign Policy: International Relations, Legality and Global Reach. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pinar. (2017). "Responsibility to protect and inter-state crises: why and how R2P applies to the case of Gaza", in S. Grover (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect: Perspectives on the Concept's Meaning, Proper Application and Value. Oxon, Routledge (book info).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2014) "Uluslararası Müdahale" in Ş. Kardaş and A. Balcı (eds.), Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş: Tarih, Teori, Kavram ve Konular. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları, pp. 316-21.
  • Gözen, Mine Pınar. (2011) "The Cold War, Jazz and Turkey" in N.B. Criss, S. Esenbel, T. Greenwood and L. MazzariAmerican-Turkish Encounters: A Contested Legacy, 1833-1989. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (full text).
  • İnan, Yüksel and Gözen, Mine Pınar. (2009) "Turkey’s Maritime Boundary Relations" in M. Kibaroğlu (ed.), Eastern Mediterranean. Ankara: Foreign Policy Institute, 2009.
  • Research Articles:

  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar and Kul, Selin. (2021, 28 May) "Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması", Uluslararası İlişkiler, 18(71), p. 1-19, (DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.947576).
  • Gökçer, Onur and Gözen Ercan,Pınar. (2020) "Siber Savaşlarda Jus ad Bellum ve Jus in Bello", Alternatif Politika, 12(1), 172-203 (full text).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar and Günay, Defne. (2019) "How can a ‘Responsible’ European Union Contribute to the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect?", European Review, 27(4), 490-505 (doi:10.1017/S1062798719000115).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2019) "UN General Assembly Dialogues on the Responsibility to Protect and the Use of Force for Humanitarian Purposes", Global Responsibility to Protect, 11, 313-332 (https://doi.org/10.1163/1875984X-01103004).
  • Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür and Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2018) "Uluslararası Güvenliği Yeniden Düşünmek: Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplininde Feminist Eleştiriler (Rethinking International Security: Feminist Critiques in International Relations)", Uluslararası İlişkiler, 15(59): 19-31 (full text).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2017) "Onuncu Yılının Ardından Koruma Sorumluluğu’nun Kavramsal Gelişimine Feminist bir Eleştiri (A Feminist Critique of the Responsibility to Protect After the Norm’s First Decade)", Alternatif Politika, 9(3): 385-408 (full text).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (December 2015) "İkinci On Yılına Girerken Koruma Sorumluluğunu Yeniden Düşünmek: Lex Ferenda Olarak R2P", Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2): 165-182 (full text).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pinar. (2015). "Responsibility to protect and inter-state crises: why and how R2P applies to the case of Gaza", The International Journal of Human Rights, 19(8): 1098-1111 (link).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2014) "R2P: from slogan to an international ethical norm", Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations), 11(43), pp. 35-52 (full text).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (June 2013) "Legitimacy, Legality and Lawfulness: questioning humanitarian military intervention in a changing international political milieu", Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1), pp. 9-30 (full text).
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. "The Responsibility to Protect: an international norm?", USAK Yearbook of International Politics and Law, Vol. V (July 2012): 243-62, ISSN 1308-0334 (full text).
  • Gözen, Mine Pınar; Povino, Alessandro and Tekin, Ali. (2009) "Ethos Europeo e Eutanasia: Un’analisi comparata tra Italia e Turchia", Notizie di Politeia, XXV(95), ISSN 1128-2401.
  • Gonzàlez Elsa; Gözen, Mine Pinar; et al. (2009) "La Costruzione di un Ethos Europeo Condiviso: alcuni spunti habermasiani", Notizie di Politeia, XXV(95), ISSN 1128-2401.
  • Gozen, Pinar. (2005) "The Greek-Turkish dispute related to the extension of the Greek territorial waters more than 6 nautical miles", East Asian Studies, (July), ISSN 1738-0952.
  • Book Reviews & Policy Briefs:

  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2022) "Book review: Turkey's water diplomacy: analysis of its foundations, challenges and prospects by Aysegul Kibaroglu", International Affairs, 98(4), pp. 1470-1471.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar. (2021) 'The EU's Commitment to and Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect: The Way Forward', COST Action ENTER BRIEF NO. 7 / February 2021 (full text).
  • Projects:

  • Co-convener - 2R2Ps for Sustainable Peace and Protection Project (Project website).
  • Projects Assisted:

  • Project Assistant - University of Trento, Euroethos Project, 6th Framework Programme, Contract No. 028522 (Project website).
  • Ph.D. Dissertations:

  • (ongoing) Selin Kul, Dept. of IR, Hacettepe University
  • (ongoing) Vildan Taştemel, Dept. of IR, Hacettepe University
  • MA Theses:

  • (ongoing) Aysu İmran Erkoç,Dept. of IR, Hacettepe University
  • (ongoing) Deniz Taşcı,Dept. of IR, Hacettepe University
  • (ongoing) Özlem Bengisu Deniz,Dept. of IR, Hacettepe University
  • Ezgi Nur Koç (2021). Prevention of Mass Atrocities through the Responsibility to Protect: A Comparison of the Cases of Kenya and Guinea, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Buşra Küçük (2021). A Critical Analysis of the United Nations Human Rights Council within the Framework of the Responsibility to Protect, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Selin Kul (2020). Legal Aspects of Protection Provided within the Responsibility to Protect Framework, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Huurieyah Wan Rosli (2019). Intervention by Invitation within the Responsibility to Protect Framework, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University Peace and Conflict Studies Programme.
  • Vildan Taştemel (2019). European Union and 'Asylum Shopping': A Comparative Analysis, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Selçuk Ruscuklu (2019). Liberal Theories of Self-Determination: Towards Peaceful Settlement of Self-Determination Disputes, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Petra Fruzsina Csorba (2019). Regional Refugee Protection: A Comparison of Europe and the Middle East. MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme (co-supervised with Assoc.Prof. Dr. Defne Günay).
  • Aufa Radzi (2019). The non-participation of ASEAN countries in the International Criminal Court: A constructivist perspective, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Onur Gökçer. (2018) Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello in New Wars, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Çağlar Açıkyıldız. (2018) New Challenges within the Framework of the Responsibility to Protect: Terrorism and the protection of populations, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Selin Kul. (2017) Protection of refugees within the Responsibility to Protect Framework: A comparison of the cases of Libya and Syria, MA Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Middle East Studies Programme (co-supervised with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Kale).
  • Orsolya Nemeth. (2015) The Implications of the Responsibility to Protect on the Reformation of the United Nations, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Mustafa Erenay. (2015) 2011 Military Intervention in Libya: Prevalence of Realist Principles or Humanitarian Norms, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University International Relations Programme.
  • Matthew Johnson. (2014) Restorative and Transformative Solutions to Sexual Violence, MA Thesis, Hacettepe University Peace and Conflict Studies Programme (co-supervised with Dr. Laura Finley).